Current Tenant

Paralyzed Veterans of America
The Michigan Paralyzed Veterans of America (MPVA) is a chapter of the Washington, D.C.-based Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA).
The mission of MPVA is to enhance the lives of veterans with spinal cord injury or disease, as well as all citizens with disabilities, by advocating for civil rights, assuring quality health care, supporting continued research and education, and encouraging independence and healthy living through various health, sports and recreational programs. Our main objective is to better quality of life for all American citizens.
The MPVA has 3 types of members: life members, or veterans with spinal cord injury or disease; associate members, or anyone who believes in the MPVA's mission, but are not eligible for life membership; and corporate members, which are corporations and other nonprofit organizations who support MPVA.
In addition, we loan items such as walkers, wheel chairs, power chairs, canes, etc. These items are available to anyone in need, free of charge (you do not have to be a veteran).
To become a member, or for more information, please check out our website!
Visit Paralyzed Veterans of America Website